Monday, September 9, 2019

A million ways to frame.

Framing a landscape using land - Pitt Polder Dike
Many of my framing attempts are done using wispy vegetation.  While usually effective, I often look elsewhere for framing opportunities.  The body of water above is a good example.  At first glance, it may seem that it is a pond independent of other nearby watercourses, but further study (far mid-right) would prove otherwise.  Furthermore, the water's path continues bottom left, although it can't be clearly seen.

In order to get the shot, I had to crouch low to the ground.  This facilitated two things.  First was the closed frame-like appearance of the surrounding land; the second was the reflection of the clouds.

I just love clear reflective surfaces when shooting landscapes.  I find water bodies are more likely to be cooperative early in the morning.  The low angle of the sun helps but the biggest credit goes to the lack of wind at that time.  A mostly clear day with modest scattered cloud is always appreciated.  The area I was shooting in happened to be in shadow at the time, allowing the background to reflect off the water strongly.

I cheated a bit in that I applied a graduated filter in the editor which darkened the upper half of the image.  It helped to tone down the slight overexposure which resulted when shooting for the foreground.  Overall I like the shot; it is not fantastic but I find it casually appealing.

Thanks for reading.

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